Graphics Desktop Tools For The IRIS

Paul Haeberli - 1995

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New programs since v4.2 DT CD;
Significantly updated since then, and;
the program has not changed.

tools contains various programs with a "desktop" flavor,
as well as some "uncategorizable" gems that ended up here as well:



atorus.c usage: atorus

blanktime.c usage: blanktime nframes

cedit.c usage: cedit

clock.c usage: clock [dot]

colorbars.c usage: colorbars

cycol.c usage: cycol [start-index end-index]

dynadraw.c usage: dynadraw

gamcal.c usage: gamcal

grid.c usage: grid

ical.c usage: ical

interp.c usage: interp

mag.c usage: mag

makemap.c usage: makemap [-full] [-ignore16to31]

mousemon.c usage: mousemon

palette.c usage: palette

phwarp.c usage: phwarp inimage.rgb [file.key]

resglue.c usage: resglue programin programout resfiles . . . .

reslist.c usage: reslist unixprogram

scrhack.c usage: scrhack num

showmap.c usage: showmap -s

tritest.c usage: tritest

textcolors.c usage: textcolors text page reverse cursor

vis.c usage: vis file [-f] [-w widthstep]

weave.c usage: weave

============================ ******* ============================

Graphics Utility Tools
For The IRIS

Paul Haeberli - 1991

rgntest.c usage: rgntest

Select any combo of files you'd like to send yourself a compressed tar image of. Executables/scripts are indicated with a trailing `*' character. (Depending upon the browser, it may be necessary to hold down the Ctrl key to select/deselect disjoint items.) a compressed tar image of the above-selected items.
OR, ...
a compressed tar image of the entire tools directory.

Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.